Dreaded Diaper Rash
If you have a baby, I am sure you are no stranger to diaper rash. Diaper rash happens for many of reasons; urine or stool sitting on your ba

Is My Baby Getting Enough to Milk?!
Qualifying if your baby is getting enough when breastfeeding is one of the biggest concerns for new parents.

When & How to Introduce a Bottle
Believe it or not, a major question I get asked as a lactation counselor is, “How do I get my baby to take a bottle!”

Childbirth Classes - Who needs them?!
Childbirth classes are only for those that want an all-natural and un-medicated birth. If you do not want to go that route then you

The Breastfeeding Dad
Tops Tips for Dads Supporting a Breastfeeding Woman

Making Breastfeeding the NORM
Breastfeeding your baby can be amazing. You alone are nourishing your baby, providing everything they need to grow and mature,