You CAN'T Fail at Birth; however, your childbirth class CAN fail you!
You can't fail in BIRTH!!

Expecting? How Safe Do You Feel?
As labor begins, if you are afraid, scared, feeling unsafe and uncertain your body releases hormones that will slow or stop your labor.

COVID-19 | Changing Hospital Care
Worried about changing hospital policy in the face of COVID-19?

COVID-19 and Switching to Home-Birth Care
In the mist of uncertainty where does a birthing person go? COVID-19 | should I switch care?

Packing for Your BIG Day!
It can be so confusing as to what you really need. At Labor of Love we tell all our clients to Keep It Simple!!

Fear & Loathing in Labor
As your due date draws near, are you becoming more anxious? Afraid? Worried? Scared? Overwhelmed?

Do I Need a Birth Doula?
Often times the hardest part of deciding if a birth doula is the right choice for you is navigating what your birth will be like ...

One Word: Gratifying!
Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with my neighbor. It was her 74th birthday and we were sitting around with her partner and sister

Pausing in Early Labor
SO, what should we be doing during this time?
The most challenging part of this early phase is the anticipation.

What Exactly Does a Postpartum Doula Do?
The BIGGEST question we are asked when clients inquire about postpartum doula support is: