Expecting? How Safe Do You Feel?
As labor begins, if you are afraid, scared, feeling unsafe and uncertain your body releases hormones that will slow or stop your labor.

COVID-19 and Switching to Home-Birth Care
In the mist of uncertainty where does a birthing person go? COVID-19 | should I switch care?

When & How to Introduce a Bottle
Believe it or not, a major question I get asked as a lactation counselor is, “How do I get my baby to take a bottle!”

Baby Proofing Basics
It may seem a long time off, when you just bring your newborn home; however, babies grow fast!

One Word: Gratifying!
Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with my neighbor. It was her 74th birthday and we were sitting around with her partner and sister

Choosing the Right Orange County Care Provider for Your Birth.
Choosing the Right Orange County Care Provider for Your Birth.

5 Tips for a VBAC
Do you want a VBAC?

No Small Secret About Birth
Want to know a secret about birth?
Women don’t let their babies out unless they feel safe!!

Welcoming Change
Birth is an amazing opportunity for GROWTH.

The Bag of Honesty: The BEST baby shower gift you can give!
Who doesn't love attending the baby shower of a beloved mom-to-be?!