Pausing in Early Labor
SO, what should we be doing during this time?
The most challenging part of this early phase is the anticipation.

5 Tips for a VBAC
Do you want a VBAC?

No Small Secret About Birth
Want to know a secret about birth?
Women don’t let their babies out unless they feel safe!!

Welcoming Change
Birth is an amazing opportunity for GROWTH.

Lisa Sherwood - An Inspired Midwife
I have been a midwife for 18 years and have the privilege of caring for birthing families everyday. Working in this sphere makes me...

Our Hero - The Postpartum Dad
Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum specializes in working with families in postpartum. Through the years we have learned that our...

Breaking Up with The Bradley Method
Hi there - for those that do not know me, I am Staci Berrey, owner and operator of Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum in Orange County CA....

Postpartum Success - Are you prepared?
With my first baby, my postpartum period was a big mess! I had prepared so much for pregnancy, read all the books, followed every website...

The Bag of Honesty: The BEST baby shower gift you can give!
Who doesn't love attending the baby shower of a beloved mom-to-be?!

Are We There Yet?
This is exactly what a labor doula does for your birth journey. She is your GPS