Hippy Dippy Doula - Not Just for Unmedicated Home Births!
There is a large misconception that as doulas we only support alternative, out of hospital birthing;

This Is How We Doula It! Cesarean Birth
I received your call at 8:23 am, while I was pulling out of my driveway taking my son to preschool.

This is How We Doula it!
It was 1:08 am in the morning when I received your text.

Your Birth, Your Way
I am excited about the shifts in our current birth climate!

The BIGGEST Decision Concerning the Birth of Your Baby
Did you know that the number one factor as to HOW your birth experience will unfold is who you decide to choose as your care provider.

What 'Presents' Are You Giving This Year?
The Perfect Gift!
This holiday season we are all so busy buying gifts for the ones we love and appreciate.

Birthing in Your Brain
The Strength Within.
Rethinking your perspective on pain in Childbirth