Breaking Up with The Bradley Method
Hi there - for those that do not know me, I am Staci Berrey, owner and operator of Labor of Love Birth & Postpartum in Orange County CA....

This WAS the Moment I would Remember for the Rest of My Life -
On Thursday, February 9th at 6:00pm, our precious daughter, Olivia Anais Reilly came into the world weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and...

This is How We Doula it!
It was 1:08 am in the morning when I received your text.

Childbirth Classes - Who needs them?!
Childbirth classes are only for those that want an all-natural and un-medicated birth. If you do not want to go that route then you

The Breastfeeding Dad
Tops Tips for Dads Supporting a Breastfeeding Woman

Your Birth, Your Way
I am excited about the shifts in our current birth climate!

Making Breastfeeding the NORM
Breastfeeding your baby can be amazing. You alone are nourishing your baby, providing everything they need to grow and mature,

The BIGGEST Decision Concerning the Birth of Your Baby
Did you know that the number one factor as to HOW your birth experience will unfold is who you decide to choose as your care provider.