Midwife vs Doula? What IS the difference?!
We get A LOT of inquires at Labor of Love about whether or not we are a birth center and if we deliver babies. In short, the answer is no, a

How to Say Goodbye: Letting Go of Good-Byes
When the time comes to say good-bye, to really anything, what is your initial response?
Do you gravitate towards love and abundance?

Postpartum Self Care: Body, Mind & Soul During Postpartum
As a birth professional for the last 9 years we have come to understand that our homes are only as healthy as the mother

Childbirth Fears!! Part 2
Dedicated to demystifying childbirth and reclaiming this moment for all birthing people - Let's Talk About Fear!!

What if I POOP & Other Childbirth Fears!!
Let's get to it and talk about the "things" that may happen in childbirth that scare us the most.

Expecting? How Safe Do You Feel?
As labor begins, if you are afraid, scared, feeling unsafe and uncertain your body releases hormones that will slow or stop your labor.

COVID-19 | Changing Hospital Care
Worried about changing hospital policy in the face of COVID-19?

COVID-19 and Switching to Home-Birth Care
In the mist of uncertainty where does a birthing person go? COVID-19 | should I switch care?

Packing for Your BIG Day!
It can be so confusing as to what you really need. At Labor of Love we tell all our clients to Keep It Simple!!

Fear & Loathing in Labor
As your due date draws near, are you becoming more anxious? Afraid? Worried? Scared? Overwhelmed?