Explosions of All Kinds! 5 Tips for Your Newborn Photoshoot

In my business as a childbirth educator and doula I offer many resources on pregnancy, birth and parenthood. I compile useful information for all those that are expecting little ones. So, for all the moms out there wanting to get those adorable newborn photos, I thought it would be a good idea to gather some tips from a professional on how to prepare for your baby’s first photoshoot. I went right to the source and consulted with the woman that did my newborn photos, Rhea Ashlynn. Rhea is an amazing photographer and local to Southern California. She has an inspiring portfolio and is an expert at getting that great newborn shot.
Here are 5 great tips from Rhea that every newborn mom preparing for her baby’s first photoshoot should know:
Keep Baby Active: In the hours before your photoshoot try to keep your baby active and alert so that your baby will sleep during the session. You do not want your baby sleeping before the shoot. A good way to keep them up is by giving them a soothing bath. That way you can get all their energy out so that they are sleepy for the session.
Loosen Diaper: It is important to loosen the the baby’s diaper about 30 minutes before the session. This allows time for the diaper’s imprint marks to disappear. If you have an in-home session baby should be only in a diaper when photographer arrives as not to disrupt him/her by undressing them. If you book with Rhea, she keeps her studio warm somewhere between 80-85. This will keep your baby warm and happy.
Don't Forget Props: Make sure to collect any items you may want in the photos beforehand – family heirlooms, toys, monogrammed blankets, etc. Don’t forget to bring them with you if you book at the studio. Rhea goes through these items with her clients to determine what will look best in the pictures.
Feed Baby Right Before: It is also helpful to wait and feed your baby right before the photoshoot. Rhea encourages her clients to arrive a little early at the studio to feed before hand. After the baby is full, it is important to make sure you burp your baby really well. Gas can turn a sleepy and happy baby into an uncomfortable and irritable baby in seconds. If you are breastfeeding you may want to avoid any foods that will make your baby gassy such as broccoli, corn, garlic, spicy foods for at least 48hrs before the session.
Be Ready For Explosions: Remember to be prepared for explosions of all kinds. Poop, pee and spit up may go flying or spraying on anything around. Make sure to have extra burp cloths, wipes and clean stuff ready!
For more great tips and to reserve your newborn session contact Rhea Ashlynn at rheaahslynnphotography.com. Even if you aren't expecting a baby go to Rhea’s website just to see her amazing work! She also specializes in weddings, engagements and family photography.