This is How We Doula It! Reflection...

We sat up all through the night,
anticipating the future
We sat up all through the night,
working this bit of your story out
We sat up all through the night,
leaning into the momentum
We sat up all through the night,
waiting patiently for what was to come
We sat up all through the night,
with love and hope in our hearts
We sat up all through the night,
riding the waves that will bring you into your future self
We sat up all through the night,
witnessing life move
We sat up all through the night,
to meet the one
We sat up all through the night,
hand in hand
We sat up all through the night,
exasperated, joyful and present
We sat up all through the night,
because life doesn’t stand still
We sat up all through the night,
because women are strong
We sat up all through the night,
because birth IS important
We sat up all through the night,
because YOU are important
We sat up all through the night,
because birth matters
We sat up all through the night,
because every mother matters!